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Word of the Day - May 10, 2021
The word of the day is Redaction, which means the act or instance of obscuring or removing something from a document to be published. |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 May Calendar
Important Dates to Remember... MAY 9,2021 HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY May 10,2021 FSA Science 5th and 8th May 17,2021 District Common Final (exams all week P.E, Art, Music And Spanish) May 18,2021 LAST DAY OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT. May 19,2021 Kinder Graduation KA- 3:45pm KB- 5:45pm May 20,2021 5th Grade Promotion 4:45pm May 21,2021 8th Grade Graduation 8A 4:45 8B 6:15pm May 25,2021 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL |
Proclamation Denim/Jeans Day
Today is Proclamation Denim/Jeans Day Our Middle School Students participated in an assembly to raise their awareness of the issues of sexual assault and to re-emphasize our goal for them to be safe. |
Proclamation Jean Day!
On Wednesday April 28, 2021 we will stand in solidarity with the District as they Proclaim Denim/Jeans Day. Students can wear Jeans/Denim, but no holes should be in their pants. They must wear uniform shirts/blouses. Thank you for your cooperation with this. |
Word of the Day - April 27, 2021
The word of the day is Extraneous, which means existing on or coming from the outside, not forming an essential or vital part, having no relevance. |
Word of the Day - April 26, 2021
The word of the day is Multitudinous, which means including a multitude of individuals, existing in a great multitude, innumerable elements or aspects. |
Word of the Day - April 23, 2021
The word of the day is Jactitation, which means a tossing to and fro or jerking and twitching of the body. |
Word of the Day - April 20, 2021
The word of the day is Apple-Polish, which means to attempt to ingratiate oneself, toady. To curry favor with (as by flattery). |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 April Calendar
Important Dates to Remember... April 15 BIG Red Bus (Donate Blood) 10-3pm April 28 Denim Day(Jeans Day) |
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