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BPA of Orange 2020-2021 - Shout-Out!!!
![]() Good Morning Bulldogs Parents and Students. Happy Monday! 1. A BIG Shout-Out to our Kindergarten Teachers - Ms. Sujeily Rivera and Ms. Dorcelis Rivera 2. Students who are REMOTE, please remember to come and pick up your Agenda/Planner 3. It is Florida Gifted Students acknowledgement week and BPA Orange celebrates with our GIFTED Students. |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 - November Calendar
![]() November Calendar |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 Uniform Sale Postponed Until Further Notice.
Bulldogs Parents Good Afternoon The uniform sale scheduled for :FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM has been postponed until further notice. There will be an online sale Thursday thru Saturday with 20% if you use the BPAOP code. See the attached flyer |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 Food Pick Up Every Wednesday From 11am to 12pm At Citrus Square Neighborhood Center.
![]() Great News! Remote parents can pick-up food once a week from this site on Wednesdays 11AM to 12Noon: Citrus Square Neighborhood Center 5625 Hickey Dr. Orlando |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 Tutoring Start Tomorrow October 15th
![]() Good Afternoon Bulldogs Parents and Students Great News! We are planning to start Tutoring on Thursday (tomorrow) October 15th 2020. We have invited the students who will benefit from additional academic support based on the results of our beginning of year assessments. We have a very short window to reassign students classroom placement so thay they get the level of support they need. Please Please, return the authorisation letter that was sent so we can plan properly. Parents we are noticing that our remote students are not achieveing at a high level. Please ensure that they have a structured, quiet and organized place at home to work. They need to sign into each class and participate. We need your support and partnership with this priority. As always, we truly appreciate you. Go Bulldogs! |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 UNIFORM $ALE
![]() We are excited to announce that Ibiley, our uniform supplier will be onsite next week Friday, October 23rd from 10am to 4pm. |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 No Early Release Tomorrow!!!
Bulldogs Parents and Students. Happy Tuesday! Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, October 14th 2020 is a LONG Wednesday. Dismissal will be at 3:45-4:00PM. Have a blessed Day. |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 - Hispanic Heritage Focus
Social Studies is a very important Core Subject and this week's Hispanic Heritage Focus will certainly help you.... Here are interesting facts about three Hispanic Countries. ENJOY! |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 Spirt Week
![]() Folks, it is SPIRIT Week and it is fun to see our students all dressed up. Tomorrow Spirt Day is the 80s. Don't forget..... the best class attendance wins a Pizza Party! Will it be your class? Tomorrow is Ice Cream Sale. $1.00 |
BPA of Orange 2020-2021 Planners have arrived!
Good News for our Remote Students. Agendas/Planners are in! Come by to pick yours up. Our goal is to help all our students stay FOCUSSED and organized so they will excel and reach their potential. Go Bulldogs! |
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