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BPA of Orange 2019-2020 Internet Provider Guidelines
![]() Please copy and paste the following link of the providers listed in this post. |
BPA of Orange 2019-2020 Internet Guidelines
![]() Parents, please review the internet guidelines attached to this post carefully. Padres, por favor revisen cuidadosamente las pautas de Internet adjuntas a esta publicación. |
Update on School Closures
![]() Per Governor De Santis: All Florida schools are to remained closed until April 15th, 2020, at which time a decision to reopen will be evaluated. Remote learning will be taking place, please be sure you check your emails, our school website, and ClassDojo for more information. #BridgePrepAcademy #BridgePrepBulldogs #COVID19SchoolClosures |
BPA of Orange 2019-2020 Remote Learning Parent Information
![]() Please read carefully both attachments regarding procedure and information for student's remote learning due to school closure. Aprendizaje Remoto Información Para Padres Lea atentamente ambos archivos adjuntos sobre el procedimiento y la información para el aprendizaje remoto de los estudiantes debido al cierre de la escuela. |
Internet Connectivity Survey Link/ Enlace de encuesta de conectividad a Internet
![]() Parents and Students, please take some time to complete this survey to help us understand your level of internet connectivity. Padres y estudiantes, tómese un tiempo para completar esta encuesta y ayudarnos a comprender su nivel de conectividad a Internet. |
BridgePrep Academy of Orange 2019-2020 Grab and Go Meal Announcements
![]() Good Evening to our Bulldogs Parents/Guardians It is a priority that students continue to get access to school meals during our school shut down. Below is information from OCPS about multiple school sites that offer Free Grab-and-Go Meals Grab-and-Go meals will be available for pick-up between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the car loop of each school site. At this time, students must be present to receive the meals. District staff will distribute the meals directly to those in their vehicle (drive-thru service) upon arrival. In addition, meals will be given directly to students walking and/or riding a bike. Based on recommendations from our federal and state leaders, all meals should be taken home to eat. https://www.ocps.net/cms/One.aspx?portalId=54703&pageId=1404484 |
BridgePrep Academy of Orange 2019-2020 Internet Connectivity Survey-ESPAÑOL
![]() Buenas tardes a nuestros Bulldogs Padres y Estudiantes. Esperamos que estén teniendo unas vacaciones de primavera tranquilas. A fines de la semana pasada enviamos un enlace de encuesta el cual está en nuestra pagina web y también en nuestra aplicación Push. Es muy importante que responda a esta encuesta para que sepamos la conectividad a Internet que tiene usted. Queremos asegurarnos de que nuestros estudiantes continúen aprendiendo mientras están fuera de la escuela. Porfavor completa la encuesta para que tengamos más información sobre cómo podemos proporcionar aprendizaje a nuestros estudiantes. Muchas gracias. |
School Closure
![]() In an abundance of caution and after careful consideration, BridgePrep Academy will be closed until March 30th, 2020. Our students, teachers, staff, administrators and community are our number one priority. #BridgePrepAcademyOrange #BridgePrepBulldogs #SchoolIsClosed |
BPA of Orange 2019-2020 Internet Connectivity Survey
![]() Good Afternoon, Parents and Students, Please take some time to complete this survey to help us understand your level of internet connectivity |
BPA of Orange 2019-2020 8th Grade Gradtastic
![]() 8th-grade parents, please see attached form/information regarding the 8th grade graduation celebration! Deposit deadline is 03/16/20 (our offices will be open 03/16 from 9 AM-4 PM) Please contact the front office with any questions you may have. Thank you. |
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